The story of my yogic and dancing journey as you have never heard it before
When people ask me about my life how I started to teach yoga, I always know I need to write something about myself and include my journey of being an international yogini, a model and a dancer on my website also. At first, it was not easy at all. I have tried to do that more than ten times. I have written something and also deleted all. It is not easy to write about myself if I want to present myself so that people can see in my soul and that people can feel my energy and how significantly yoga changed my life. I want you all to know that I am a person who loves my job and that I want to share my knowledge and experience from all around the world with you. I hope I managed to do that… So this is my story (my eleventh try).
I started to teach aerobics after I came to college. I was a VIP hostess, a dancer, a basketball cheerleader and I loved to perform. When I came to the university, I wanted to have a job beside my study and I also wanted to dance and workout, but all this was impossible for me. That is why I started to be an aerobics instructor. This was my dream job: I was paid for what I loved to do and I had time to improve myself and to work out at the same time. Thus, all my wishes came true. One year later, I passed the International Teachers Training for Mat Pilates Instructor and I wanted to know more and more about my body, everything about the movement I wanted to do and try. I danced and performed with different dance groups. I also danced with the show group Mystique, dancers on the television. I was a cheerleader for the hockey club as the Ice Lady. I was involved in the contemporary dance, oriental dance and I was also training pole dance. I was a dance teacher for dancing schools, such as Moj Klub and Miki dancing school. And one day, I also met with yoga and fell in love with it. I wanted to do it and also to have a yogic lifestyle.
But a year later, I had a terrible car accident and the reality knocked me down. Only two millimeters more to the left and my neck would be broken and I would be paralyzed or even dead. Before that, my life was perfect. I had an amazing job, best friends in the world, and lived with a handsome and amazing boyfriend already for four years. However, after that, everything was crushed. I was not feeling well in this relationship even more. I felt I need to figure out more about myself and to recover from the accident. I also had a concussion and I lost a little bit of my memory which I am still getting back slowly every day or on special moments. I ended my relationship, packed my things, and went to India. At first, my goal was just to travel, to have fun, and to find myself once again. I went there by myself and my path led me to an ashram in Madurai. I still remember the people I met along the road. I still remember how unreal the whole journey was. This was my first journey when I was traveling alone. On most of my trips, I was traveling with my friends. We traveled in groups from four to twenty people or more, but regarding this trip, I felt I needed to take it on by myself for myself.
When I came to India I suddenly felt completed. Not because everything in India would be in order … No. I felt completed because of the chaos around me. I saw that I need to have peace in my heart and calm my mind if I want to enjoy India. I stayed there for some months, did my International Teachers Training Courses (TTC) and also started teaching yoga. As an aerobic and Pilates instructor I had years of experiences so it was really easy for me, but only the physical part, to learn asanas. But meditation and breathing exercises were hard for me. I needed to let go of everything that happened to me and to start my life from this point and to understand my future. After the course was finished I was traveling or, to say it more accurately, backpacking across India with my friends that I met in an ashram or elsewhere in India. It was an unforgettable experience and even today I believe I was blessed to have had it.
When I came home I continued to teach aerobics, Pilates, yoga, and dancing. I recognized I would never be the same as I was. But this was a graceful bonus for me because I got one more chance in my life, so I could accomplish so much more. I saw that life is short and one has to do what one loves. One has to be with the people that support him or her and bring the best out of him or her, and that one has to live his or her life to the fullest.
I was and I am teaching yoga all over the world, from surf camps in Portugal and in Spain to yoga Ashrams in Austria, France, Russia, India, and the United States. I improve myself every day and take new courses to be better every year. I am the author of the book Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Mom & Baby, Yoga Baby and Baby Handling, and Heart Yoga. One of my books was also nominated and got the prize for the Best Book of the Year 2017. My books are already being translated into German and English languages. In the year 2018, I also won the second place on Yogalimpics competition and won the European Yoga Championship in my category.
As a leader for the healthy lifestyle movement, I have been featured in almost all the magazines and newspaper such as Slovenske novice, Delo, Gorenjski Glas, Polet, Zarja, Nova, Lea, Liza, and many more. In all the years of my active presentations in Slovenia and abroad, I was invited to all of the most important TV and radio shows all over Slovenia. In the year 2016, I was an organizer of the International Festival Om and became recognized also in media, such as 24 ur, GTV, Petelin TV, TV IDEA, TV Golica and in many more.
However, the most important thing in my life for me it is to be a mom. I have an amazing family, two beautiful sons, and an incredible husband… They are my present and my future. I love them with all my heart, body, and soul. And this is how my life has been changed forever. I am grateful for every day that I have and I believe that we only live once in this form and this body, but if we do it right, once is enough. Namaste.