April 8, 2019 20190408_blog_image

Mother’s Day – Every Mom is SUPER MOM!

Many times, mothers ask me how to succeed, combining family and business life. I admit that most of the time is not easy, but with good routine and discipline it’s all there. It is true that my profession is very diverse and that I need a carved body and a fresh look for the work of a model. My quality programs should be ready for teaching, and my business matters with my Devayani Publishers should be done and my business should be managed. Above all, my main task and priority is taking care of my three boys and a girl. They are all of me, and that’s what gives me momentum. They are inspiration, inspiration, support. They are my biggest fans and the biggest critics. They are all mine! So even when I am fully exhausted and without energy I think about them and I am making further efforts for them.

I think that every mom is SUPER MOM! We are not always full-fledged, we wear our tracksuits a lot or we hurry to do everything in one day. But it does not matter. The most important thing is taking care of your family. Sometimes it’s better for us, sometimes we feel incomplete and on the ground … at these moments do not forget my dear exceptional mummy,’It’s good to you and is not good every day, but there’s something nice every day! Appreciate your efforts that you invest and be grateful for your wonderful families and your life.’

My dear super moms! In the end, let me share with you the most beautiful quote for all moms on this occasion. I wish you an unforgettable day full of laughter and love.

We are born of love;
Love is our mother.