I am very grateful that I could share my mother stories with other mothers, as I myself, even in the first pregnancy, sought ways to get acquainted with the birth and be prepared for it well. I have also shared one of my experiences on the portal Bibaleze, and you can read it on this blog. I hope that my delivery story inspires other women to become pregnant. It is very warm to all moms-to-be to recommend yoga practice before, during and after a pregnancy, since the yoga is well prepared by the body for a pregnancy, childbirth and recovery after childbirth. If you do not believe me, check my experience.
What was My First Pregnancy like?
My pregnancy was beautiful. By the fourth month, I lead the last performances of all dance schools, where I taught dance, performed as a dancer, took part of Oviratlon at Pokljuka and taught my training – aerobics, pilates and yoga. In the fifth month I already reduced the number of exercises and performances in Slovenia and abroad. In the sixth month I traveled to Portugal where I taught yoga in a surf camp. I spent the seventh and eighth month with my fiancé in a military base in San Antonio, Texas, where I took up yoga myself and attended workshops. In the middle of the eighth month, we returned home, where I taught yoga for the last two months of my pregnancy in Slovenia.
Like all pregnant women, I also met with the pregnancy problems, but fortunately nothing bad happened. I regularly went for examinations. I had a rest, took care of meals and exercise. Weakness was only present at the beginning but taking a rest helped. Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was a little tired and there was a pain in my back, but yoga helped me calm down and gain new energy, and swinging my back made my pain disappeared.
I Taught Yoga Also During the Pregnancy
I also taught yoga in Portugal, i.e. at a surf camp, and in America. I also attended the tribal fusion (lap dance and yoga) workshops in the Czech Republic and yoga workshops in Croatia. Exceptional work, apart from performing yoga and dancing, I traveled which gave me new inspirations and challenges. All the time I was taking care of my baby’s comfort, I did not get too stressed and, if necessary, I took time for myself / for us.
How Did Yoga Help Me During Pregnancy?
Yoga helped me with pregnancy problems and gave me positive results and took care of the excellent health condition. With yoga I took care of proper breathing and movement. Every day I activated my joints, stretched my muscles, bled my body, which helped me and worked on the whole body. In particular, I carried out relaxation and breathing techniques, so I calmed down my thoughts and relaxed my body.
It was my first pregnancy, and I was even more careful. I read a lot of books, manuals, videos, and always carried out all the exercises with caution. As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I consulted with my gynaecologist and a doctor who followed the development of a baby and our state of health. Above all, I listened to the body and adapted myself. Whenever I felt a pain, discomfort or inconvenience, I stopped and burst with practice.
Positive Effects of Yoga
I was acquainted with all the negative consequences that can follow in different positions and from one month to another I was slowly excluding exercises which were not suitable for me and for the baby. I adjusted intensity and made programs based on my own needs.
My Delivery Experience
I experienced my own delivery in a natural way. I gave birth in Jesenice to a beautiful son Jaka. My oldest son Jaka was born in two hours, including all preparations of the maternity room and staff in the maternity hospital. The pains were severe, but I overcame them with my breathing skills and the activation of the abdominal and pelvic muscles. My physical condition, especially flexibility, was extremely helpful to me.
After the delivery, you forget the pain that you feel at it. When the baby is born, this is the most beautiful and unforgettable moment, which is impossible to describe … you can only feel it and keep it in your memory. It is therefore a good thing that every mom prepares for the delivery best, as it is possible.
What Are the Benefits of Yoga?
I would recommend to everyone not only active athletes, but also to moms who were not previously active sportsmen. It is good for a woman to find time just for her, relax and do something for her own baby. However, I emphasise that in all this, it is necessary to acquire knowledge from a yoga instructor to correct you in asanas, show the correct breathing mode and advise what is recommended according to the state of health of each individual.
All instructors are always alert to a prior consultation with a doctor or gynaecologist for prevention. You know what they say, prevention is better than cure.
Why Choose Yoga?
I am an instructor of mat Pilates, yoga, aerobics and a dancer. I conduct courses not only in Slovenia, but also abroad. I also teach. I emphasise this because I like all group exercises, from high intensity to low one, and I have quite a wide range of knowledge in all fields. I recommend yoga before and during a pregnancy, and also after a delivery, because it is adaptable to every individual. Above all, the movement is related to breathing, whereby we cleanse the body, we listen (what answers us), and therefore we do not go beyond our borders. This is the main advantage of yoga for pregnant women, as it is necessary to avoid injuries and anything that could endanger their health and the health of their baby. In addition, it ensures relaxation of the body, which means good psychological and physical readiness for a delivery, which a mom-to be definitely needs.
With Yoga, I Got Rid of Weight After Pregnancy Faster
I gained about eight kilograms in my pregnancy, which disappeared quickly after my delivery. I kept my eating habits and was active. I was on the move all the time and I dealt with everything, so I did not even have time to sleep. But I took care of a regular rest and I did not take too much effort. I also looked after the well-being and health of my baby.
Yoga helped me with the cramping of the uterus. I got the right posture due to yoga, which changed slightly due to the pregnancy belly. It also helped me stay calm all the time, relaxed, which gave me positive energy and power even after a sleepless night.
I hope that your delivery story will be as beautiful as possible. Remember, however, that every woman is different and every birth story is unique. I only advise you to prepare well for your pregnancy and delivery, and yoga can really help you.